X-mas go away...

Looking around these couple of days I see the X-mas fever coming. And as I write this it is only 30th of november. I get the impression that the fever starts sooner every year. Trees and Santa's pop up at around every corner of the street. Before we know it we have christmas from October until February. I think that is a bad thing. Well if you think about christmas? What pops into your mind? Presents, christmas tree, family and eating lots of stuff, or are you thinking about peace on earth? That would be nice thinking about peace on earth for more than three months..
Well we dutch and the belgians have a solution. We split it up, well at least the presents stuff. We do not have 'Santa Claus' during X-mas, no we have Sinterklaas. So coca-cola invention Santa Claus get back to the northpole and return after december 6th. You are not welcome here .... yet. After that date we can think about christmas trees, delicious foo.... er.... peace on earth.
Nothing warms my heart as much as an anxious consumer, equiped with an AMEX card and high speed internet access ... ka-ching ....
But hey if you want to bring back the old time values I'm all for it. I say we celebrate the way the Nicolates (Gnostic followers of St Nicholas) did back in the olden days.
www (dot) salagram (dot) net/StNicklaus.html
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