More X-mas stuff

Time for some more X-mas rants... It was about 8 years ago that some dude decided to put a low budget christmas item on the market. It is what you can see in the picture. It is a plastic thing with 7 lights you can put in front of your window. As a result it became quite a hype here in the Netherlands, resulting in that almost every house had one. Preferably one for every window. So everywhere you look (yes also before dec 6th). You saw those bloody things.
When I was learning to drive. My instructor complained about his wife wanted those damn things too for every window. He complained about it twice. Yes I was such a bad student that it took me two christmas seasons to get my drivers licence. Nowadays, people are finally realizing how bad those things are. You rarely see them any more. Last year friends and I were shopping in a hardware store. We saw those stupid things lying in a rack over there after all those years. Well december 5 is behind us.. So here it for the second christmas and many christmas seasons to come:

Good thing it stands behind my TV so that I do not have to look at it. :-)
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